Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22. Home, in our own bed! We flew in the 19th, spent the day at doctors on the 20th, the 21st I got to go grocery  shopping and our kids left. That evening Mrs. Thorney climbed the stairs to our very own bedroom, and this morning it was a long time until we got out of bed for breakfast (well, I got out and brought her breakfast.)  I'm now trying to be the perfect lover and the perfect service sub at the same time, and it is hard work. She's still on a walker and oxygen, but very much herself intellectually and as a lover. She needs lots of care and help but can still lick my balls exquisitely. When or whether we'll manage penis-in-vagina sex again, or whether she'll ever kneel to kiss my feet again, are open, but there is so much else we can still do that we are very happy.


Spring said...

glad the balls are still getting well licked. glad she's coming along.

Spring said...

glad the balls are still getting well licked. glad she's coming along - arayofsunshine

Spring said...

glad the balls are still getting well licked. glad she's coming along.